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Monday, March 5, 2012

Twins + 1 = The Mother of Invention

When Ana was a little one, we had everything she would need. An extra bag was always packed for the car with diapers, change of clothes, wipes. The suggested developmental toys were purchased in advance and toted out at the right times.

Uhhh.... not so for Reed and Sofia. Do you know what a total feat it is to get all three children fed, changed, loaded in Rosie (the van), out, and then back again in the 2 hour window that Sofia's bottle rejection allows me? I'll tell you. IT TAKES A FREAKING MIRACLE!

So, with that in mind, when we found ourselves facing a rather long car trip, I didn't even contemplate going to Babies 'R Us to pick up some of those little black and white cards that go on the car seat to keep Baby occupied. However, I am not one to deny my children completely. A little resourcefulness + People magazine = Voila! Queen Latifah! Your interesting face of the day, Mr. Reed. Enjoy, son.

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