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Friday, June 3, 2011

Bathtub Jets?

Ana is not a fan of the jets in our bathtub - they freak her out. Yesterday was a long one - Ana was being rough and I was dragging, or maybe my ever expanding belly was dragging me? At any rate, I threw her in the tub for a break, but when she offered to share the tub with me, I took her up on it. It was Heavenly.

I tried to convince Ana that we should turn the jets on, so we could revive our bubbles and get a back massage at the same time. She wasn't buying. Instead she had another idea:

Mommy, let's pretend jets.

Okay... how do we do that?

ppppptttttt..... (the sound of bubbles coming up from the water, somewhere in the region of her hindquarters.)


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