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Friday, September 10, 2010


I am not above exploiting certain situations for my personal gain. I probably should be, but I'm not. Case in point - our flight to Orlando.

We had just buckled in and were busy ignoring the flight attendant's spiel. My ears pricked up when I heard her say the word birthday. Apparently it was another flight attendant's birthday and she was asking all of the passengers to sing Happy Birthday to this woman.

Ana! Listen! They're singing Happy Birthday to you! They know it's your 4th birthday on Monday!

You would have thought she'd died and gone to Heaven. (Eyes shining brightly) For me? They're singing for me! Because it's my 4th birthday!

That's right, Honey! They are. It's a very special birthday.


Hey. They called me Sarah.


Unknown said...

Ha! Whoops?

Crazy Cathcart said...

I sooooo would have done the same thing!!!!

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