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Greatest Hits - 17 months

1. All it takes to attract our girl is facial hair. It matters not if you are the 80 something year old guy at the grocery store with the full beard, or the 30 something guy at music class with the goatee. As soon as Ana sees your facial hair she will give you her best Southern hello: “Haaaaaaaaahhhhhh” (while waving madly).

2. Luckily, Ana’s moved on from the fake cough, but she’s now on to the “oh face.” It is quite versatile and gets applied in any number of situations. Opens a box: “Ohhhhh” (puckers lips). Opens the toilet lid: “Ohhhh” (puckers lips). Grabs a fistful of dog food to bring to her mouth: “Ohhhh” (puckers lips). The good thing is that the lip pucker delays her a bit, allowing Mama and/or Dada an extra second or two in which to snatch away whatever horrible thing they have forgotten to keep out of reach.

3. Think about this: store mannequins are actually a very hard concept to grasp. We didn’t think about this until Ana couldn’t figure out why the preppy guy in shorts and his similarly clad buddy were not responding to her best “Haaaaaaahhhhhh.” When Mama patted him and told Ana that he was not a real man but a big dolly, Ana tested out the pat herself. It weirded her out enough that she had to keep testing what she was seeing by continuing to pat. For anyone walking by, they got to see little Ana caressing one guy’s calf and then his buddy’s calf and then back to the first guy. Imagine what we had to go through when we got to the headless bathing suit mannequin…

4. Everyone should have the body image of a 17 month old. Ana LOVES to caress her belly like a self-satisfied little Buddah. She especially loves to sit in front of the mirror after her bath and snort contentedly as she rubs. You can just hear her thoughts: Oh, that is one good looking fat belly. Oh man, get a load of that thing. That's hot.